Diamond Search Engine Offers Diamond Comparison Using Augmented Reality

A place to compare diamonds by carat, color, cut, clarity, price, and other diamond specifications.
iPhone mockup

Diamond Hedge is a search engine for diamonds that enables comparison through augmented reality

Their target audience are both male and female, ages 22 to 45, who have been in a relationship for +2 years.

Product strategy
User research
UI design
Usability testing
Design system
1 Product manager
2 UX consultants

Improve customer's searching diamond experience to increase engagement

The challenge is to improve customer's searching diamond experience to increase engagement to the current website and propose a solution to improve their experiences.


Build a stress-free and engaging experience throughout buying the diamond ring process

Key Features

1. Multiple Search Options

It was difficult to find the exact diamond they were
looking for

2. Retailer Rating

Looking for ratings and customer reviews

3. Customer Testimonials

Industry jargons confuse and frustrate them
↑ Conversion Rate
↑ Sale Revenue

Without too much user data, we decided to conduct interviews with current customers

Guillera User Interview

We want to understand their current frustrations and pain points. We spoke with 3 males and 2 females to uncover pain points while using the website.

"The sooner the proposed date, the more intense the pressure."
Koray Okumus
UX Designer
"I don't know if I can trust the diamond quality or not."
Olivia Rhye
Sales Manager
"Budget and carat are the most important criteria to me."
Mollie Hall
Web Developer
" I don't know what those diamond jargon mean in the website."
Kelly Williams
UX Designer

Key Insights

Customers often struggle to find the diamond they want

Current Site Problem

The search result page is difficult to understand

1. No Personalization

It was difficult to find the exact diamond they were
looking for

2. Missing Reviews

Looking for ratings and customer reviews

3. Industry Jardons

Industry jargons confuse and frustrate them
how might we

build a seamless, engagement and trustworthy platform for customers to make informed decisions and feel confident in their diamond purchase?


Male customers

Overall the male customers is spending extra time going to stores, then researching diamonds. He also gets hints from his partner or family members about the perfect ring to buy. While female users are involved in the buying process to varying degrees.


Mobile First Approach: 80% access

Taking the mobile-first approach because more than 80% of access is from mobile.


3 Major Solutions to the Design

Multiple Search Options Available

Whether you have a team of 2 or 200, our shared team inboxes keep everyone on the same page and in the loop.

Personalized Onboarding

An all-in-one customer service platform that helps you balance everything your customers need to be happy.

Retailer Ratings + Customer Reviews

An all-in-one customer service platform that helps you balance everything your customers need to be happy.

Key Insights

Wizard search needs to be more visible

It’s challenging to see the wizard search for uneducated customers

Add retailer reviews available

Built a space of trust and customer's confidence

AR icon needs to be highlighted more

Customers are not familiar with this technology
final design

Final Result

I iterate and test 2 more times, each design upon base on customers feedback the suggestions of the previous focus on 3 main flows and the new design allows customers to search diamond by retailer rating, and customer review.


Desktop Before/After

Below are the screen comparison showing before and after side by side in desktop version


Design System Challenge

I created Hi-Fi assets for adding photos, searching and loading results. Also, I created the design system front scratch to enhance the new branding of Diamond Hedge.


Rearrange information in ways that users can understand and digest

The ability to rearrange information in ways that users can understand and digest. It’s important to create content hierarchies and identify necessary functionalities without overwhelming the users.

Next project

