
Diamond Hedge is diamond search engine which offers diamond comparison using Augmented Reality


The challenge is to understand Diamond Hedge customers' response to the current website, discover pain points and propose a solution to improve their experiences.


Save user’s time and provide guidance throughout the onboarding process

Our solution is to simplify the buying process that helps users buy diamond seamlessly by providing them with guidance, support, education and tool tips.

Optimize the search options

While most of the shoppers are not educated about diamonds, availability of multiple search options like the parameter search, wizard search, and free-form search were appreciated

Add rating systems

Rating systems builds customer's confidence and increases the decision-making

Enhance AR features

  • Provide how-to use step by step
  • Show diamond information in real time
  • Enable to compare, share and shop


The revenue growth after the redesign is able to help us increase our revenues by 35%. The feedback has been great on the new design.

My contribution

Product strategy User research Product design Usability testing Prototype Design system

The team

1 × product manager 2 × ux consultant




Business Goal

To improve conversions and to gain more insights on how people are using the site

User Goal

Design an intuitive and effective way to save the user time and stress throughout the engagement ring process

Guerrilla Usability Testing

After a stakeholder interview, the objective was set to make the diamond discovery easier for the customers and improve conversion. Without too much user data, we decided to conduct interviews with the customers. Those conversations helped me empathize with their needs for searching diamond process in current website.

During the testing phase, We want to understand their current frustration and pain points. What they really want and what they really need. I spoke with 3 users to uncover pain points while using the website.

  • Current frustrations and pain points on current website?
  • What did they really want?
  • What did they really need?

Competitive Analysis

To gain inspiration and identify best practices for our website redesign, we conducted a competitor analysis. We began by looking at the websites of 3 major competitive diamonds  search engine platforms including Rare Carat, Price Scope, and Diamond SE.

We found out that Rare Carat is the biggest competitor. Here’re some features to inspire:

Simplified call to actions on website

This makes it easier and more efficient for users to get involved and search.

Testimonials from engaged customers

Creates a space of trust to buy and increase emotional appeal

Allows user to save favorite diamonds and shows recently viewed items

Make finding diamonds quicker

Current Website Analysis

The interviews helped with problem validation, but we needed concrete data. We identified several issues that might discourage an individual from getting involved including:

The Homepage dropped off 100%

Initial signs of fatigue mean Users were getting bored

Most featured : Search Diamonds(26%)

While most of the shoppers are not educated about diamonds, the site does not provide an easy way for them to perform the search.

Least used features: AR/ Try on finger (3%)

Current AR implementations from DH is not providing a positive experience.

Default setting for search parameters are unrealistic

Key Insights

During the synthesis of our findings, I recognized some common pain paints users experienced when using the current web app.:Poor Search Performance, insufficient guidance, confusing termainglogy and negative AR experienceBase on the study, here are the 3 problems I decided to focus on:

  • Difficult to find diamond
  • Difficult to understand the terminology
  • Insufficient guidance throughout the process
  • Difficult to understand the result page without much confusion

Product Strategy

Based on the established pain points, we did card sorting and organized user findings on an affinity map and get the approach to themKey user priority :

#1: Stress free — Users want to search diamond ring without knowing industry jargon

#2: Build Trust — Customers want to feel they can trust the experience and expertise

How might we simplify and stress-free throughout buying the diamond process?



Overall the male user is spending extra time going to stores, then researching diamonds. He also gets hints from his partner or family members about the perfect ring to buy. While female users are involved in the buying process to varying degrees.

1. The Romantic Finance

“I want to purchase a diamond that will delight my partner, at great value.”

2. The Excited Fiancee

“I love that my partner is involving me in our engagment ring shopping. I am feeling excited to pick a ring that matches my style and taste.”

Customer Journey Map

Focusing on the Male persona as the main user. They spend extra time going to stores, then researching diamonds. The journey map for my persona Brian (The Romantic Finance) , further supported the existence of two main problems discovered in the interviews and helped me identify design opportunities-

1. Target group's lack of experience with understanding the industry’s terminology
Spending extra time going to stores, then researching diamonds


Lo-Fi Wireframe

We created wireframes of the Search options,  "Try On" feature and Engagement plan guidance. We ran A/B tests and help me figure out what users preferred in terms of the ease of digesting the content, entering data, and visual appeal.

User Testing

The low-fidelity prototype was used to conduct user testing with four participants. This study was conducted in order to test three points: usability of our application, users' expectations and behaviors, and whether our application meets users' needs. We changed some features of our application based on users' feedback and our observations. Then, we make a wireframe and changed our features.There were many other iterations not shown here.

Changes based on User Testing

Icon for AR feature needs improvement

We change the icon as try on directly since most of the users are not familiar with new feature.

Business model needs to be clarified little bit more.
We changed the copy at the home screen and introduced a 3 step system (Explore, Compare, Prepare) that made it clear from the start what users can expect from the Diamond Hedge website.

Visual styling has room for improvement.
By asking stakeholder to input the color of site he wanted and we changed the whole new color to differentiate from other search diamond engine platforms.


Final Design

Below are the screen comparison showing before and after side by side.



Here are few things missing in the old design that can make the landing page more valuable.

  • Hero section should educate the users about the branding and the USP of the product. Using good imagery will help the visitors to visualize the product and bring offering to life.
  • Move the search section on top to encourage user engagement and play a vital role in decision-making.
  • A section on the “How it works” to clarify the business model and provide guidance to uneducated customers. This builds the trust for the authenticity of the product.
  • Testimonials from a similar demographic should be added to highlight the features. They are one of the powerful tools to increase the conversion rate and build the trust for the brand.


Design System Practice from Scratch
I never fell so challenging when choosing color scheme and build the design system from scratch. It allows me to practice my brainpower on other more complex design decisions.

Think in product & not features
Originally, I had about more than 6 features I wanted to include. But feedback showed that having all six features was extremely overwhelming. I learned to ground myself in users' problems and the product's goals.

Even as a product designer, visual design skills are important
With great visual design, users are willing to take the time to learn even the most unfamiliar products. Great visual design is undeniably a part of a great user experience. Every design decision needs to be intentional.

Early flow sketches
Planning for user testing and design documentation
Putting the prototype together
Design flow specs
Localisation for different languages
Three screens of the final per diem experience


The revenue growth after the redesign is able to help us increase our revenues by 35%. The feedback has been great on the new design.

- from Mehul Sompura, founder of Diamond Hedge

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